SystemUI.apk With Transparent Statusbar

I will share my MOD SYSTEMUI.apk with transparent status bar, i use GravityBox and Xblast tool to make the mod systemUI.apk .

How to :

  1. Move SystemUI.apk in the SDCARD
  2. Open Root Explore
  3. Move and Replace SystemUI.apk to the system/app/
  4. Set permision to rw-r--r-- (important!)
  5. Done ! - Reboot !

Screenshot from various sides (click to large view) :

transparent mode lock

black in the settings,etc

black in the Apps Launcher

80% transparent in the desktop aktive

statusbar face

recent apps

Download SystemUI.apk (SystemUI.apk)

You will try the systemUI.apk and enjoy !!

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